1. Poker Training Courses For Beginners
  2. Poker Training Courses

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Our team has uncovered the secret to mastering micro stakes poker, so you can STOP being a fish today.

The micro stakes are where most people begin learning about the beautiful game of poker and let’s face it, it can be a lot of fun to play. However, most new players miss out on the best part of all – WINNING.

Although your opponents at the micro stakes are mostly recreational players, just like you…it takes more than just luck to win more and stop losing your money.

The proven methods on this complete poker training course were developed by a long time winning and well-respected poker player. Profitable poker is about knowing how to analyze any given poker situation, and come to sound conclusions as consistently as possible. John’s course will give you the tools to do this, each and every time. A majority of poker training courses out there focuses on a particular segment of the game, be it cash games, tournaments, or live play in general. Rarely do we see a course that comes equipped with a kind of knowledge that covers everything in one place. The Advanced Poker Training course promises to “ignite your game” – a feat they achieve with proven real-time teaching techniques. By using technology and artificial intelligence, this program puts its customers through an interactive learning schedule, allowing students to practice their skills against AI opponents.

And let’s face it…losing isn’t fun, but winning is. Yes, if you want to enjoy playing poker, you have to win the game consistently.

Poker Training Courses For Beginners

And being a long-term winning player at the micro stakes is the first step to move up to the higher stakes, making more money, and making poker a job. (That’s your dream, right?)

So how do you win at the micro stakes? How do you consistently win so you can move to the higher stakes and make more money?

Poker training courses 2020

Fortunately, that’s exactly what you’re going to learn here.

Hi, I’m Alton Hardin. For those who don’t know me, I’m a poker coach, a best-selling author and the founder of the MicroGrinder Poker School.

And I have a confession: I am obsessed with micro stakes poker.

In fact, I love it so much that I have spent years not only learning how to dominate the micro stakes but working out the best way to teach other people to achieve the same success.

So, if you want to stop losing at the micro stakes for good, you’ve just hit the jackpot.

I understand what you need to learn to be successful at the micro stakes and become a consistent winner in these games.

I understand why strategies you’ve learned elsewhere aren’t helping you beat these games, although most of your opponents are recreational players. (Hint: Effective winning strategies are different at the micro stakes. I can show you the right approach to beating this game.)

I created MicroGrinder Poker School as a comprehensive one-stop resource to help both beginner and struggling micro stakes poker players improve their game and become a long-term winning player.

To achieve this goal, I’ve brought together some of the greatest minds in micro stakes poker, including Paul Regan and George Mathias to offer you the ultimate poker learning experience.

We have now developed over 30 courses and 700 videos specifically designed to help take your game to the next level.

This will help you dominate micro stakes and get ready to move up the stake.

We Focus on the Fundamentals

Unlike other schools that might try to get you to simply apply a concept, we know you can’t be a great poker player without mastering the fundamentals. We build your poker foundation with solid fundamentals, because we know the advanced concepts rely on them – so you can get great results without the painful mistakes that come from a mediocre understanding.


Always grounded in the four pillars for poker success

Poker training courses 2020

Winning poker is based on four foundational pillars: fundamental pre-flop strategies, fundamental post-flop strategies, essential poker mathematics, and sound player reading abilities. If a single one of these pillars is weak, you will never achieve consistent poker success. Our school is focussed on solidifying each and every pillar to force you to win.

We help you become a thinking poker player

Losing players tend to think about one or two variables in any given decision, and these may even be the wrong variables. But a winning poker player is a thinking player, and they consider all of the key variables in any given poker game decision. Through our courses we build a platform to help anyone becoming a thinking player, so they can consider all the key variables and get the edge in their poker games.


But Don’t Take Our Word for It, Listen to What Our Students Have to Say:

  • “I cannot overstate the value that being an All-Access subscriber has brought to me. I came in being a casual, occasional poker player (home games) but had always been interested in poker. I had no idea how much there was to this game. I am less than 1/2 way through the content I want to cover on Alton’s site and I am already LIGHT YEARS ahead of where I was. If you are on the fence about becoming an All-Access subscriber, it seriously is a no-brainer. The amount of value vs price is a +EV play all day, every day!”

  • “I just wanted to let you know that I think this course has been superb. I play your videos and they put me in a calm and logical mood prior to playing, giving me a clear head and plan for playing. The course is my default without a dought, and has made me understand other material by people like Jonathan little, etc. by the way you explain things. Watching your videos makes me get the idea of what these other guys are trying to get across. I will keep watching these over and over again and will be buying your poker math book shortly. Many Thanks!”

  • “It’s not just Alton’s good poker strategy, it’s also about his lecturing skills and class organization. It’s very deep and amazingly simple. You really can master micro stakes with it. Thanks, Alton!”

  • “Alton is a high quality teacher and does great job at explaining the mechanics of the game and the rationale behind poker decisions. This is far better than the rather “algorithmic approach” to the game proposed by some other poker training sites targeted at beginning players.”

  • “I took three of MicroGrinder Poker School’s courses while playing 5nl almost a year ago. Since then I have used the knowledge from these courses to get to 200nl. If you want to move up from the micro stakes, this poker school is for you.”

  • You’ve spent hours studying the game and still can’t beat it. With our program, you’ll learn time-tested strategies for beating the micro stakes, focusing on building a strong foundation through poker fundamentals.
  • Other poker training sites just aren’t working for you. We play the micro stakes, so we know how to beat them. Not all strategies are effective at the micro stakes, so we only focus on what works, not what doesn’t.
  • You’re tired of losing at the poker table! Losing isn’t fun, we understand your pains. You’ll not only learn how to crush the micro stakes, but you’ll do so through a collaborative environment.
  • You’re ready to turn your poker game around and start crushing the micro stakes! We’re here to help you, but you have to take the first step and enroll. We look forward to helping you improve your poker game!
Poker Training Courses

If you sign up for our All-Access Pass monthly subscription service, you’re already getting so much value in the form of our standard courses that you can be sure your game will skyrocket.

But for those of you who are truly dedicated to winning – our All-Access Pass members will receive bundles of extra bonuses to give them the ultimate edge.

  • Exclusive All-Access Pass Only Video Series: On top of our standard course videos we have in our catalog, we throw in special VIP courses, which we reserve only for our most serious members. We will give you access to these unique strategies to help you dominate the micro stakes.
  • Personalized Student Leak Finder Video Reviews by Our Team: The most valuable bonus of all, you will get access to video reviews of student games by our expert team, to help plug the leaks which are not easy to spot yourself.
  • All Videos 100% Downloadable: Unlike many other poker schools, all of our videos are 100% downloadable. We understand that not everybody has a reliable high-speed Internet connection 24/7, so we make every single course lecture downloadable so you can watch our courses offline.

Becoming an All-Access Pass member is the fastest way to put miles between you and your competition and offers the best value to get started winning your micro stakes games today.

Poker may be a game of managing risks – but there’s NO RISK in trying out our courses with our 7-Day Free Trial.

If that wasn’t enough. We offer a 30-day money back with a smile guarantee if you’re not thrilled with our content.

So, you start improving your game right away, without worrying about the price.

Some of the Courses You'll Have Instant Access to:

So don’t miss your chance to sign up with MicroGrinder today – and make sure you can conquer the micro stakes.

  • Advanced Tactics By YourDoom

    From 'jnfpoker'...

    'YourDoom holds your hand through all aspects of a NLH hand in his new Advanced Tactics series. A lot of players, myself included, are striving to play a balanced game in an unbalanced game. If you are an advanced player you may find yourself saying this' ...Read More

  • Advanced Tactics By YourDoom

    From 'fdel15'...

    'I just completed YourDoom's latest video series, 'Advanced Tactics' and could not be happier with my purchase. It is the first video series I purchased from him, and playing on a smaller bankroll I was skeptical of investing such a large amount of money in a video series, especially when there are so many other resources available to' ...Read More

  • Advanced Tactics By YourDoom

    From 'tahiti75'...

    'hi everyone, im andrea writing from italy , and in this post i would like to spend some words about the Ryan coursesfirst of all i apologyze for my english i will try to make my words understandable,i knew him trough his video on pokerstrategy and i have been impressed from his way to teach , he is able to explain you in a very' ...Read More

  • Advanced Tactics By YourDoom

    From 'miguelanjelo'...

    My review of ' Advanced Tactics: How to Beat Small, Medium and High Stakes at Over 7bb/100.'
    'I have been waiting for a series like this for some time, after greatly enjoying YourDoom's last 100bbs series on 'How to Play from the Blinds'. Although after watching ' ...Read More

  • Video Series By YourDoom

    From 'jjyykk'...

    'I purchased both of YourDoom's series and here is my review. I consider myself an advanced/thinking player and am not affiliated with YourDoom at all.I'm a NLHE tournament coach for a major training site. I don't know Ryan at all and tend to distrust a lot of video series. I think most people make video series/e-books because' ...Read More

  • How to Play with and Against a 40BB Stack

    From 'JoysOfLife'...

    Hi Ryan,
    'I have just purchased your 40BB program, I'm half way through the course, all I can say is, the whole program is mind-blowing, I just wanna say thank you for making and sharing such great video, you really have made me thinking poker in a whole new way'... ...Read More

  • How to Play with and Against a 40BB Stack

    From 'newschool2'...

    'I did buy the series a few weeks back and watched all of the videos
    I haven't played a ton of 40bb poker since then, but thoughts are as follows:
    The downside is the price tag @ $500 usd. I do believe the product is fairly priced for the value I personally received from it.In the end, I am happy'...Read More

  • How to Play with and Against a 40BB Stack

    From 'learnfriend'...

    'I am a NL50 reg , I was breakeven at 100bb play before this seires but now I am 3bb/100 at 40bb play and confidently to say I can keep it.In fact , this is the first time for me tospend so much money to buy videos,(in fact I buy both of them) and I am abbbbbbbbbbbbosulutely~~satisfied with it. thanks Ryan to provide this' ...Read More

  • How to Play with and Against a 40BB Stack

    From 'Juanma1331'...

    'Hi my name is juanma and i bought the 40bbs ryan´s serie, I can only say that its really great even more when the cacher have good skills about teaching.
    I recommend it to everyone who wanna succed on midstack and 100bb player who doesnt play an optimal game against 40bbs' ...Read More

  • Video Series By YourDoom

    From 'HeiCash'...

    'i bought both series and in short: they are really great.
    ryan explains his different concepts really good and gives always several examples.
    with his mathematical backround he analyses the situations in a clear and understandable way.
    the 40bb series is a great summary of all important aspects for this' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    Review of Yourdoom's video series on 'How to Play from the blinds'.
    'Yourdoom went from the humble beginnings of $10 SNG's to completely crushing high-stakes $10/$20 NL games on Poker Stars. That's the basic story of one of the top coaches featured at CoachingTokens.'...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'sLiVeR'...

    ' The blind series was simply amazing. The material was exactly whathelped me improve my game. It was explained in great detail without'...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'NiuNiu'...

    'I am playing now at nl50 6max, am winning, but not happy with my blind defending play. The video helps me very much.1. The whole course consistens of several short videos, in which Ryan takes some his hand examples or PPTs to explain the concepts, step ' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'miguelanjelo'...

    'Hello, as you can see, I am not a regular poster here although everyday I visit twoplustwo, especially the News, Views and Gossip section xD
    The reason I post now, is because 2 days I bought the series of 'How to defend your blinds', and I really felt obliged to let everyone know' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'Rampage_Jackson'...

    'Hi, this is wpr101. I just finished the In the Blinds series and really enjoyed it. Definitely worth the money for me, as it answered a lot of questions that I've had over the years.
    It is both comprehensive and concise - both of which are good because there is no filler material that most videos have. Another nice thing the videos address' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'Nthinker'...

    Hi, Ryan I'm Beomsoo Jeong.
    'I want to express my impression and appreciation of seeing your GREAT video
    That's what I've been looking for.
    I'm not sure that you remember my first email with full of' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'ringinabox'...

    'I am a US player who used to beat the 1/2 and 2/4 6 max games on FTP, but currently doesn't play on the internet anymore for obvious reasons. Anyway, I stumbled up this thread watching the sample video and was intrigued. I went to go buy the video, but than had second thoughts since I only play live full ring now. Anyway, I slept on it and decided to' ...Read More

  • Video Series By YourDoom

    From 'Schiller-Music'...

    'I had a few sessions with YourDoom and after every single session i saw a huge improvement in my game. he found a lot of my leaks in just a few minutes and made me thinking about poker in a much different way. he is really good at simplifying difficult spots. sadly i had some issues with my internet connection here in asia, so i didnt take any more' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'phenomenal'...

    'I loved the series. The quiz gave it a nice class room feeling too This combo of 1# winrate and former teacher is very impressive. This guy knows how to teach. I had some questions on some spots and he came out with very clear answers and no uncertainty was left.' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'supaStylin'...

    'I bought YourDooms coaching package about a couple of months ago and cannot recommend it enough.
    There are many concepts demonstrated in the series which are covered in detail, they show exactly how to play each possible spot you will encounter when playing' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'isunkurbttlship'...

    'Just gonna leave my review of the video series here. I have finished prob 90% of the series so far and have found it very interesting and informative. It gave me a whole new outlook on how this gameplan is a much better one than the standard one that most 2p2ers use. He talks about some things that I had not even thought of with regards to' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'the_most10'...

    'I'm a long time winner at the 100-200NL 6 max games and I just finished watching the video series and i definetly enjoyed it. The series is very weighted towards helping you make the right decisions preflop and on the flop when in the blinds, which helps make your turn decisions easier and helps you avoid playing guessing games. Yourdoom demonstrates ' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'tcs'...

    'You talk a lot about c/r with these weak pairs or air hands in the series. Do you not think that you are really face up here? Like when you had A5s on a 57J rainbow board. You're not going to c/r 55/77/JJ/AJ/KJ here very often so wouldn't it be pretty easy to play vs you when you do this?' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'phenomenal'...

    'Originally Posted by supaStylin View Post
    I'm very interested in buying this, how did you find it 'phenomenal'?
    How long did it take for you to receive the links etc?' ...Read More

  • How to Play from the Blinds

    From 'Kalledrengen'...

    'I just finished the video series and I thought it was pretty good. Sure there was a few videos that was somewhat basic (like the free sample) but the rest of the material had some really good concepts/strategy/explanations in them I think.There was quite a few areas in my blind play where I wasn't playing optimally at all so I feel like' ...Read More

  • Video Series By YourDoom

    From 'coolhandluke777'...

    'I have been playing PLO for several years now and doing well, but every time I ventured over to NL holdem (10/20) I would get beat up. It seemed that I was in a spot every 5 minutes that I had no idea how to handle. My stack would continuously leak out 2-300 at a time. I decided to try a session with Ryan and see if it helped.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'murco'...

    Hello again!
    'I'm posting an update of my previous review in this thread. I had my last session with Ryan in december 2011 so I decided to post my results (hm stats and graphs before and after the coaching). As you can see from the pics I pretty much redefined my whole game and approach to poker thanks to Ryan.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'blueson'...

    'I had now 20 hours of coaching with Ryan and he was definitely worth the money! Generally I'm one of the more the skeptical persons but I have to say he definitely delivers. His voice is super clear and sound and he obviously he knows the stuff very well! He got me asking new question and thinking a little bit harder about the game! ' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'Mattia01'...

    'he had 10 hours, and my game style completely changed.
    he's top in blind defense, and i would like to recommend him.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'fza'...

    'Ryan is expert in poker, thats my humble opinion, thats why I ask questions and listen to his advices and they help alot. His advices give me a lot of confidence when I play, I feel that I have mutch clearer plan what to do every time I enter a pot. I think that he has very good and deep understanding in things and metods he advocates, I think I'm still not' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'blueson'...

    'I already had 6 hours of coaching with Ryan and I'm really happy with the way things go. I recommend him to anyone who wants to improve his game. I also watched the blind series and I only can recommend that as well! Not only does he know lots about poker, he is pretty good at explaining things too and explains the why's of an action!' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'Watch_Ur_Back'...

    'I recently had a pretty short session with YourDoom (3 hours)
    But it was well worth the money, and this guy is really good explaining different concepts and strategies. I already see improments in my game, and i will def stay in touch with this ' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'Ingenol'...

    'I had a few lessons with Ryan pre-BF, and while I wasn't initially sold on the format of the lessons (sweat with notes afterwards, as opposed to discussion during or HH review), I was very pleased with the quality. I don't claim to be a world-class player, but I can recommend Ryan as a coach, and more specifically would say that he's very good for someone' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'murco'...

    'Hey everyone! I've decided to get coaching from Ryan to solidify my game and to fix my redline. I'm a decent 5bb/100 winner at 2/4 and a slight winner at 3/6 (low samplesize). One of the reasons for booking Ryan was to make the transition to 5/10 easier and to minimalize the mistakes I might make. I've bought a 10 hour package and after 2 two-hour' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'Hodge05'...

    'I have received two lessons from this guy thus far and the guy definitely knows his stuff. Will wait to write a more formal review after playing some more/getting more lessons/buying the video series but thus far so good.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'jimbobmccracken'...

    'I just had my first coaching session with Ryan yesterday. I created a new 2+2 account as I'd rather not use my regular one, but I'm a regular that's been a professional since 2007.
    I decided to take Ryan's 1.5 hour intro course to 40bb poker. I was very pleased with the session, it moved along quickly and covered everything needed to begin either playing a 40bb stack,' ...Read More

  • Video Series by YourDoom

    From 'Kalledrengen'...

    Thank you very much
    'Here are my bb/100 by position before and after coaching.' ...Read More

  • Video Series by YourDoom

    From 'Kalledrengen'...

    'Thought I'd update my progress since getting coaching with YourDoom.
    Before getting coaching I was pretty frustrated due to doing poorly running break-even over ~400k hands so obviously pretty happy about my investment with YourDoom as the ~5 sessions I've gotten so far have already paid for themselves x3 so far.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'DeluxeSamy'...

    Hello there!
    'I'e always played with 100bbs and wanted someone to introduce me on the mid stack strategy so I decided to take 90mins coaching with yourdoom.
    It's been great as he had all very clear about every topic' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'bumbi999'...

    'The best coach I have ever met! My game is improve a lot, after the first time. I enjoy every minute of the coaching! Thanks very much!' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'loco'...

    'Yourdoom has coached me for three sessions so far and we are possibly going to do more in the future once I log in some hands.
    I am fullring player trying to transition to 6max. Yourdoom definitely owns the 6max pokers and he also understand the nuances of fullring poker.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'Kalledrengen'...

    'I've had the pleasure of being coached by YourDoom and he is an extremely capable coach in my eyes. He has also been very helpful via mail on follow up questions etc.
    Since first session I've made approximately twice the amount of $ I've spent on coaching sessions with most of my play being 50nl and 100nl.Given that I was near break-even at 50nl' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'VoidHawk'...

    'Had a 2.5 hour session with Ryan on the 40bb game. His strategy for those games is hot, for anyone who is looking at moving into those games I would say the money spent on coaching is a good investment. Just to echo what another poster said, Ryan crams a LOT of information in during the session and it will require you to put the work in to assimilate it into your game (as I'm sure you would expect).' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'RivFader'...

    'I took 3 hours of YourDoom's coaching and it was definitely worth it. The play was 100bb poker at midstakes. I am over 2 ptbb/100 winner in those games and I can definitely say that he improved my game. ' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'har1bs'...

    'I just finished my third session with YourDoom. He definitely knows his stuff. I'm a reg at the 400nl tables since the beginning of the year.
    I did the first 2 sessions for 40bb games (which I never played before), and his strategy are definitely very good, 10x better than what I would come up with by myself. It's easy to see ' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'DominoEffect'...

    'I've had a few coaching sessions with Ryan (yourdoom) and I've been very impressed. After 2 sessions he was able to quickly identify big leaks in my game which paid for themselves in the days to come. He's very professional and his advice is laid out very concisely and logically and he wants to make sure you understand WHY you are doing a ' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'PokerPoopy'...

    'This dude knows poker. Got probably ~10 sessions with him, loved every minute of it. Def got me thinking about the game in a different way, and opened my eyes to many things that I was lacking.' ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'MikeM42'...

    To anyone that is seriously considering poker coaching:
    'I contacted YourDoom to see if he was taking on new students. After a few questions I decided to schedule my first lesson. After exactly 1 lesson I saw a dramatic improvement. This was followed by two more lessons that continued to improve my overall game'. ...Read More

  • Coaching Feedback

    From 'JCampbell'...

    Hey Everyone,
    'I contacted YourDoom last year about coaching and we did 5 or 6 lessons together. He was very professional and really helped me understand how to adjust my ranges for different situations. This guy is as good of a teacher as he is a player and if you are serious about improving your game' ...Read More

Poker Training Courses

Poker Training Courses
